Team Organization

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Below are our primary guilds that students can join: Business and Media, CAD, Manufacturing and Programming. During the Fall, students learn all the needed skills for the season. During the season, students get split into Mechanism-Based Teams, which allows the guilds to work together towards their shared mechanism. These two divisions of students help our team run smoothly and function to the best of their abilities. No previous experience is needed to join the team.

Manufacturing Guild

Students have the opportunity to use a Shapeoko CNC, a full-sized industrial HaaS mill, and a large CO2 laser for building custom robot parts. In fact, the only parts in our 2023 robot that weren’t created in-house by our students were purchased swerve drive pods utilized by FRC teams.

Current Students:

Business Guild

Business works hand in hand to create the team brand, advertise it, and raise funds. The Marketing sub-team creates the Howdy Bots team brand and designs products including our team Pit, banners, and badges. They also run the team’s social media pages and manage the website. The business side creates unique ways to raise funds for the team throughout the off-season. They also co-develop presentations for outreach events with members from other sub-teams, and manage our annual Howdython fundraising telethon.

Current Students:

Computer Aided Design Guild

CAD takes all the ideas from our team-wide brainstorming sessions and creates 3D models on the computer using OnShape. The 3D models allow us to flesh out the design and make drawings and models for machining and 3D printing robot parts.

Current Students:

Programming Guild

Programming codes the robot to perform certain tasks in the TeleOp (Human Operated) and Autonomous modes. Historically, the team used LabVIEW but has used Java since the 2021/2022 season. In TeleOp, the robot receives a controller’s input and moves accordingly. In Autonomous, the robot is run 100% independently with the code. It uses encoders, gyros, and more to autonomously maneuver across the field and perform certain tasks.

Current Students: