As week 1 came to an end all of the teams continued to work on the alphabot with new design and prototypes along with constant iterations and improvements all over. The alphabot was also used this week to test code and the mechanisms that were attached. While the alphabot is being completed the teams are also able to start working on the main robot that we will be taking to competition.
Drive Base & Climber
The Drivebase team continued on the alphabot adding 3 extra spark max’s and figuring out the controls. When the drivebase code was tested, all of the controls were mixed up. Everyone was lost and confused on how the code got mixed up but programming was able to pull through and fix the swapped axis code. As the alphabot was fixed up the drivebase team started to work on the main robot that we will be using for competition. Starting off strong they finished the frame and all four of the swerve drive modules for the main bot. They continued to work on the main bot by adding spark maxes and wire management. Some challenges they faced was finding the parts needed for the swerve modules because they were a bit mixed up and working around space in order to add the spark max’s to the robot but they pushed through and managed to complete both tasks.

Iterations were made to the alphabots round tube elevator started and just about finished. The team worked on creating and attacking a new placer system that was designed last week with the 45° angled piece of wood and single wheel for releasing the coral. The ascender team double checked the elevator overall making sure that their mechanism goal is possible because of the use of carbon fiber tubes that made the elevator super light. The team continued working on the elevator design through CAD and going into the specifics of what the final project should look like. After much hard work the team was able to successfully use the elevator mechanism to score L1 through L4. The elevator had to manually be adjusted to the max height to reach L4 but they are working to make that simple fix.

Game Piece Manipulator
The game piece manipulator worked on multiple intake designs and prototypes. They ended up scrapping one of the intake designs for the alphabot and continued working towards other prototypes. The team also worked on building a brace for a wall where the new intake would be attached. The intake design was then finished and mounted onto the wall of the robot which proved to be a bit annoying but they got through it. Once everything was mounted the other mechanism teams were able to move forward with testing and scoring on the field.

Kitbot Team
Kitbot mostly just continued on the alphabot completely finishing the bumpers from last week. They also attached a completed belly pan to the robot and all of the electronics. They continued to work on prototyping for improvements and algae mechanisms. After electrical was all fixed and the scoring mech was attached the alphabot was but into the field for testing. THE ALPHABOT SCORES YIPPIEEEE! After some more testing the kitbot team found more improvements that could be started and got straight to work and programming also continued to make iterations to the robot.

Now that the alphabot is being tested and small improvements are being made the team is able to focus more on what the official design of the main robot will look like. We can now score on all levels of the coral reef WHOOHOOOO!!!

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